Emailing the platform

Sending emails to system

Suppose we have an order with id 336, we can create a new message on that by sending an email to

When the message is entered in the system, it’ll contain all the text from the original email except the following parts which will be stripped:

  • User signature.
  • Quoted text (i.e. all lines beginning with >). This means that the text forwarded from another email will be ignored.

The email might have attachments and these will be included in the message.

Once the message is created in the system, other users might be notified. See comment notifications for further details on this.

We might receive some emails which aren’t processable by the system for whatever reasons, in those cases the email is forwarded to the system owners. For more details on this, see bounced emails.

Using the system to deliver notification emails

The originating address of the email will be And the reply-to field will be set to something like

When a notification is sent, system keeps track of who sent it and if it was a user or if it was automatically triggered.

Public and private

Messages sent by the team are private by default. Should you need to send a public email you have to append +public to the email username. For example,

All messages created by the client are public.